Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hi guy(s),
Here's a new post from your buddy.
World of Warcraft
Do you play this computer game or know anyone that does? If so, you might want to talk to them about it. See here: World of Warcraft (not a virus)
It seems as if World of Warcraft is not only a computer videogame, but also a fantastic self copulation tool.

Awesome first show. Even awesomer in HDTV biotches.

March Madness NCAA Tournament
I've never been a big fan of the tournament. I am a fan of all the gambling that goes with it though. What a novel idea in our Puritan-gambling is illegal- society. Just don't get caught like Neuheisel.


I am holding out on Myspace. It took me long enough to join Facebook, and joining both would just be too much right now. However, I did create a test account to look at my older brother's myspace page and other people - and what I found was that myspace is chock FULL of absolutely pathetic chumps and absolutely damaged ego'd provocative girls.

Let me expand on this a little bit. If you check out myspace you will find profiles of girls that are posing in their best "sad" look wearing some skanky outfit, and underneath those pictures, you'll find tons of very creepy guys looking to get e-laid who respond with comments such as "yo girl you fine, lemme ride up on that behind," or something of that flavor. If you look at the other pictures of the girl, you'll see that the same creepy guys have commented in on that picture as well!

So you see, there's a terrible vicious cycle that's going on at myspace. The girls keep posting away because they're getting the attention that mom and pop never gave them, and the guys continue to e-flatter these girls with a simple keystroke or two, and they both feel like they've won something.
Just kidding. (?) - P.S. - If you are on myspace, and I've offended you, I apologize. It's the other girls and guys, not you. There are respectable myspace profiles out there, and in fact some people I know do in fact have them.


Spring Break
I'm going to Fort Lauderdale. I'm excited for the beach, the beer, the sox and the free accomodation. Oh and the jews. Did I mention that jews live in Florida? Not only jews, but lots of Cubans and Mexicans, so I'll be able to practice my rapidly declining spanish speaking skills! I also happen to be missing the sweet sunshine of Spain quite a lot, and a day in Florida is the next best thing at this point.

Friday, March 10, 2006

I'm not racist but...
Black kids are better than white kids at basketball. My intramural team was 4-0 somehow in 4 games in the "For Fun" male intramural basketball league. So yesterday we faced one of the "Top Gun" teams in the first game of the playoffs. Well, as it turns out, we were to face the football player team that has won the whole shebang for the last 3 years.
They kicked our asses. But - it was fun. I'm amazed at the athleticism of good basketball players. It's uncanny, especially when you're on the court with them. One of the kids was a highly touted point guard in high school apparently - The highlight of the game was hitting a 3 and later hitting a jump shot over a kid that was 6'6". Good luck to those guys, I'm sure they'll win the championship again.

It is freakin' warm out
Which means it won't be long until the skirts and spaghetti tops are on full display! However, as a friend of mine said, "Mother Nature is being a cock-tease." It's going to get cold again before it gets warm, and that's as fun as a cactus in the undies.

The Sopranos starts Sunday at 9pm
It's going to be a great season, I can just tell. The NY and NJ families are feuding, Johnny Sac is in prison, Tony is back with Carmella, and somehow the immune system of Tony has continued to avoid any serious STDs from all of the strippers and russian whores he makes stains with.

Crowded Amherst Bars
...Aren't as fun as you'd expect. You see, when it's impossible to carry a conversation with someone and the place has more "Yah-Dude Robots" than you could imagine, it's tough. Seriously though, who decides the fashion trends? What about all those ridiculous t-shirts that used to be so popular with the 1970s style text on front that said like "I'm Naughty" or something similarly stupid like that. I can't knock the fact that it opens up conversation, which is tough to do in these kind of bars, but it's still pretty sad that the only way we can strike conversation is with tacky tee shirts.

"Drunk Dials"
I refute the idea that when you are intoxicated, your phone calls are less heartfelt or significant. Bullshit, I feel that alcohol is like the water and sunlight that helps blossom a flower. And who doesn't love a blossomed flower?

Ryan Gomes
Is INCREDIBLE. 29, 11 and 3 last game, 27, 9 and 5 the game before that. Danny Ainge - SIGN THIS KID BACK.

Monday, March 06, 2006

I have been pretty bad with procrastinating lately. Last night it took me 4 hours to read 6 pages. No joke. I am so used to the Spanish lifestyle that my procrastination has become far worse than before. I don't think I have attention deficit disorder, but I find myself becoming distracted far easier nowadays unless I'm dealing with something very, very important. I can usually get things done in crunch time due to my early laziness - it's a fight or flight mechanism - however last week I left studying for a psychology test to the last minute, ended up staying up till 4 am reading the damn textbook, and received a 68 on the exam. Not cool. Especially when I could have done a lot better with a little bit of determination.

Blogs... there are a whole lot that suck hard.
It's a little depressing to me that there are so many goddamn blogs in cyberspace. I don't have the exact number, but there are A LOT of blogs out there, and 95% of them are worthless crap. I'm talking WORTHLESS crap - I mean, for example, think about glancing out your car and seeing some lady carrying 3 big stuffed Wal-Mart bags to her SUV. Now ask yourself - would you ever want to stop that woman in the street for a nice chat? I'm guessing the answer is absolutely not. But when you're hiding behind the computer screen you get an urge for some odd reason to read the mindless drivel that this overweight 39 year old single woman decides to e-complain about. Humans are interesting that way.

Jack Johnson
I acquired the Jack Johnson Curious George Soundtrack a couple weeks ago. This guy can make songs about Recycling sound chilled out and respectable. That's some impressive shit. I remember back in Elementary School we had this mother of a girl in my class who was a super hippie and she used to sing these whacked out songs - very similar to Jack Johnson's - on acoustic guitar, and I'd shit all over her with my pals. (Not literally.)

Walk The Line
Great movie. Joaquin Pheonix did a solid job as Johnny Cash. He sang all the songs himself which nearly rocked the socks off my feet. Luckily they were on tight.

When it all boils down, these blogs are made for people who want a little bit of extra attention and a medium for ranting and raving about random occurences that we all get to face on a daily basis. Speak up, it could be fun.

Procrastination ...
I have a lot of work to do. It's 7:16 pm right now. Maybe I'll read a chapter or two by 4 am.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Celtics are back. Have you seen the last couple games? First they beat the Lakers, in L.A., mind you, and then keep a close game with the Heat last night. Delonte West and Ryan Gomes are playing out of their minds right now - I sincerely hope Gomes doesn't jump ship after 2 years and becomes the next big ex-Celtic star. Same goes for West.
I can't decide whether or not I want the Celtics to make the playoffs. My initial feeling is no, I want them to miss the playoffs, pull a SA Spurs Lottery move and pick up Morrisson or Rudy Gay. The other part of me wants these young guys to get some playoff experience in. Just play Pierce alongside rookies and sophomores and get that experience in for the rest of the season.

It is fucking cold out. Speaking of cold, all of my roomates in the apartment have gotten sore throats, me having the worst of the sore throats. I went to the sick house today and it was full of students, so I just turned around and walked back to my car. Fuck waiting 2 hours to be told "drink more liquids."

I've been having an awful run lately. I don't like telling bad beat stories, but believe me, it's ugly.

I continue to question what the hell I'm doing in the summer and next year. I'm on pace to graduate and I don't want to wake up at 6am and work someplace I don't love for the next however many years. I heard of a sports marketing company that has offices all over Europe and offices near DC. I'm going to look into that.

OK that's all I can think of on the spot.
