Monday, March 06, 2006

I have been pretty bad with procrastinating lately. Last night it took me 4 hours to read 6 pages. No joke. I am so used to the Spanish lifestyle that my procrastination has become far worse than before. I don't think I have attention deficit disorder, but I find myself becoming distracted far easier nowadays unless I'm dealing with something very, very important. I can usually get things done in crunch time due to my early laziness - it's a fight or flight mechanism - however last week I left studying for a psychology test to the last minute, ended up staying up till 4 am reading the damn textbook, and received a 68 on the exam. Not cool. Especially when I could have done a lot better with a little bit of determination.

Blogs... there are a whole lot that suck hard.
It's a little depressing to me that there are so many goddamn blogs in cyberspace. I don't have the exact number, but there are A LOT of blogs out there, and 95% of them are worthless crap. I'm talking WORTHLESS crap - I mean, for example, think about glancing out your car and seeing some lady carrying 3 big stuffed Wal-Mart bags to her SUV. Now ask yourself - would you ever want to stop that woman in the street for a nice chat? I'm guessing the answer is absolutely not. But when you're hiding behind the computer screen you get an urge for some odd reason to read the mindless drivel that this overweight 39 year old single woman decides to e-complain about. Humans are interesting that way.

Jack Johnson
I acquired the Jack Johnson Curious George Soundtrack a couple weeks ago. This guy can make songs about Recycling sound chilled out and respectable. That's some impressive shit. I remember back in Elementary School we had this mother of a girl in my class who was a super hippie and she used to sing these whacked out songs - very similar to Jack Johnson's - on acoustic guitar, and I'd shit all over her with my pals. (Not literally.)

Walk The Line
Great movie. Joaquin Pheonix did a solid job as Johnny Cash. He sang all the songs himself which nearly rocked the socks off my feet. Luckily they were on tight.

When it all boils down, these blogs are made for people who want a little bit of extra attention and a medium for ranting and raving about random occurences that we all get to face on a daily basis. Speak up, it could be fun.

Procrastination ...
I have a lot of work to do. It's 7:16 pm right now. Maybe I'll read a chapter or two by 4 am.


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