Monday, April 24, 2006

It's been a while so here's a post.

Food Network Shows and how they relate to the Fake Orgasm
Here's where I'm going with this one - You know how after every food network show the cook tastes what he or she has made and says "MMmmmmm, delicious," like it's the best meal they've ever tasted? Like they're a bunch of thirsty starved Ethiopians that just were handed happy meals. I mean there's no WAY that EVERY SINGLE TIME the meal is that good. There is just no possible way. So shame on you Food Network, you receive a finger wag of deceit.

Keystone Ice and how it compares to Keystone Light
I'm not going to tell you that Keystone Light OR Keystone Ice don't taste like fermented horse urine. What I AM going to tell you is that Keystone Ice has more alcohol and in my estimation tastes better. Win-Win.

V For Vendetta
Have you seen this movie yet? Well it's really good. It's a frightening glimpse into the possible future if the government continues to rob the american people of their rights, privacy and otherwise. I saw it on IMAX with Neil, if you ever get the chance to watch a movie on IMAX, do it. It's INCREDIBLE. $11, but whatever.

Buffalo Chicken sliced deli meat...
Is tasty! The woman at the supermarket told me to put Blue Cheese on it. Crazy bitch!

iPod FM transmitters
This one is pretty depressing - there is NO such THING as an FM transmitter that sounds clear. There is just no such thing, as Eminem said, it's like "finding a female with good looks who cooks and cleans." But I'm borrowing my roomate's one right now so at least I get to listen to Otis Redding and Van Morrison in the car.

Golf season!
It's begun! I'm getting a boner in my plaid pants! I played for the first time last Friday, but I was hungover. When I was putting I thought I might eat shit right there and make a ballmark with my forehead. But seriously folks, I was slicing as usual from the tee which was pretty annoying. But hey, I got to spend 5 hours walking around on one of the best days of the year, golfing and shooting the shit.

Summer is approaching quickly.
And I don't have a job. And I'm not ready to graduate. Hey who cares, be merry, kill brain cells and have fun with pals, that's the real measure of success!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what is wrong with fermented horse urine, exactly? Back when I lived on the farm in in Texas, my daddy an' I used to ferment our horses' urine all the time. We'd sell it to our neighbors. They couldn't get enough! Sometimes we got confused though and the brew would come out all white and creamy. That di'n't taste so good.

12:24 PM  
Blogger greendroppings said...

cleetus, I'm super happy that you enjoy the blog - And I'm super serial that fermented urine really needs getting used to. It's an acquired taste I imagine.

5:50 PM  

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